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Amanda Rose

Amanda is a BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, and Therapeutic Counsellor with experience of treating a range of psychological, behavioural and emotional difficulties. Her approach to therapy is to develop a relationship which is open and trusting to help create a safe environment to better understand and explore areas of difficulty. She has experience of treating a range of psychological disorders in this service such as OCD, PTSD, Specific Anxiety Disorders (Health, Social, Phobias).


​Through sessions Amanda will work to bring awareness to any patterns of thinking or responding that may be worsening how you feel. Amanda can work with anyone who might need support with a range of issues including anxiety, depression, anger, low mood, loss, relationship issues, bereavement or just those who need to talk and might feel a bit stuck.


Alongside her private practice Amanda has been working for NHS Talking Therapies since 2019.

cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt)

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