Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life like no other. Her body is undergoing many changes and new developments which will likely challenge her body and mind in different ways. This treatment is here to support her along this journey of the different stages of pregnancy as well as supporting her for delivery.

This is a side-lying treatment supported by pillows and bolsters to help relieve muscle tension, reduce excess fluid retention, and create space for mum to decompress.

Prenatal massage, according to research gathered by the American Massage Therapists Association, has been shown to specifically help with:

·        Alleviating back +leg pain

·        Reducing labour pain during childbirth

·        Lessening postoperative pain

·        Reducing anxiety + stress

·        Improving mood + lifting depression

·        Easing insomnia

Massage in pregnancy can benefit mama and baby. As with all of Sarah’s treatments, she will work with you to design the treatment and determine what you would like to get out of the session with her.

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