The Northgate Clinic Natural Facial

.A unique treatment combination, only available at the Northgate clinic.

Offering both health and beauty benefits, this unique 60-minute treatment is a blend of three types of facial therapies: facial reflexology, a natural face massage, and myofascial manipulation. Starting with a massage of the hands, upper body and neck using massage and myofascial techniques to relax and reduce tension in the muscles, connective tissue and Vagus nerve. Using reflexology and massage techniques, light, upwards stroking movements towards the hairline are then applied, which help to stimulate new skin cells and increase flow through the lymph nodes and face. Pressure is then applied to various points of the face that connect to and stimulate other areas of the body, and help to balance natural hormone levels. The treatment can help improve sleep quality, improve your sense of wellbeing, promote natural healing, remove toxins and helps to work the facial muscles and release muscular tension, resulting in a younger, radiant glow and firmer, plumper skin.

You will leave refreshed, restored, and feeling great!

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